whats on my mind 06-15-09
- Don't remember my dream... but I know something that didn't make me feel too good...
- Can a human soul control a brain to do stuff? Since if you channel spirits your brain has to send signals to lets your mouth speak or do the hand movements, if you know how to control your soul/spiritually better then you can do stuff you normally can't do... was something like human only uses 5% of the brain right? so if our spiritually open it causes our brain to use more than 5% it may not be 100% still even at this stage but allows us for telepathy and other cool stuff... or... maybe use different parts of the brain at different times, say a brain can only access so much at one time (for now) and using spirit powers you can access stuff... kind of like video game.... where you Level Up you get points towards certain skills and power ups... but in some cases you can only use the skill temporary to fill up the skill points you have achieved to that level..........
- I closed my eye's over the weekend and saw something cool...
- Saw some dude walking by this building
- Saw bunch of words, text, rotating in a big circle some clockwise, some anti-clockwize
- Then saw like matrix effect but not with words, but numbers
- The Digital Clock trying to tell me something or my spirit guide trying to tell me something???
Just for clearing up... I didn't stair at the time to wait for these certain times to appear... I just look up at the clock when I want to know the time and see these..
- First was 1:23
- Next was 5:55
- Next was 11:11
- Next was 3:33
- What the hell is up with this image and Jan 2017? If this (not the whole thing) is true... then it would be AWESOME... anyone can dream cool scifi stuff right?... :D

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