Rein 2012 Thoughts/Notes

Thursday, April 30, 2009

1H1N Flu Virus thought (Swine Flu)

Don't really want to call it swine flu since it has mixture of bird, pig and human flu but here are couple stuff that cought my attention about this flu and which may be related?

  1. UFO/Unknown Theory
    Wasn't Mexico where they found Chupacabra recently?
    Wasn't Mexico where they found the Grey alien in one of the ally where the kids were playing?
    WHAT IF?? Chupacabra OR Grey spread the virus???

  2. Government Consipiracy
    Wasn't there that one call where a lady told the media over the phone that she saw truckloads of trucks being loaded with bird flu virus and being transported...?
    WHAT IF?? this is related to this virus, this audio was released like 2 weeks before this virus story started emerging.

  3. Chem Trails
    Dunno if this has anything to do with it but chem trails are believed that it weakens the immune system.
    WHAT IF?? because of this weakened immune system our bodies can't handle the flu virus? OR maybe the chemtrails is giving more strength to the flu to be able to mutate into another form faster than scientists can find the cure?

Mehhhhh was checking out google news and just wanted to give out my thoughts on this one.
If the virus ever gets to my family or near my area, I am not planning to get a vaccine since I have a feeling something is not right about this virus.


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